Vision & Philosophy
"Empowering Educators to Empower Children"
At Empowered FDC we aim to represent in the learning environments a place which fosters cultural competence, meaningful practices and significant experiences which assists every child or adult to discover how to critically reflect on their learning, encourage exploration, take ownership of their knowledge and support positive relationships amongst peers. We believe that language and learning are inextricably intertwined (Vygotsky) and therefore aim to convey knowledge of experiences and practices in an environment to others to achieve this.
We value individuality and appreciate that there is not one set approach that meets every child’s or adults needs and it’s necessary to tailor teaching methods to suit the individual learner.
Every Educator and Coordinators own unique philosophy is valued and EFDCS takes into consideration their personal beliefs, values, goals & qualities, which guides the education and care of the children and extends into the community around them.
Through ongoing individual assessment of where people are with respect to their existing knowledge, beliefs, values and culture we aim to provide meaningful scaffolding opportunities which are relevant to children’s interest, cultural background and understanding to build connections between what they already know and facilitate new opportunities for learning to create new knowledge (DEEWR).
A full copy of our philosophy can be obtained via our Educators or by contacting our office.